15 Current Published Games Available (Supported).14 Current Web Games Available (Supported).Most of WildTangent games were all stored in GIT type system/source safe so no one needed personal copies, according to a former WildTangent employee. Somewhere in 2005, WildTangent has been since distributing other games from other companies and other developers. However, they were criticized because their games contain spyware, the company no longer distributes or develops Web Driver. The reason they discontinued their games is unknown. Most of the WildTangent titles were discontinued and have become lost or missing. WildTangent used to develop their own original games, sometimes to advertise various companies, TV, and movies. The company is well known for its PC web/online games that were pre-installed for PC users who own HP, Dell, Toshiba, Gateway, Samsung, Acer, and Sony VAIO, like Polar Bowler, Final Drive Nitro, Blasterball series, and the Fate series.

WildTangent was a PC/web game company founded in 1998 by Alex St. Current WildTangent logo (possibly from 2010).